Benefits of Watermelon

By Constance Salas & Dallas Salas
December 23, 2019

The wonderful watermelon has several benefits. Watermelon has been traced back 4,000 years to 5,000 years ago to Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians were the best of cultivators. Paintings of watermelon and seeds have been found in Ancient Egyptian tombs. Including the tomb of King Tut. The Ancient Egyptians cultivated this medicinally beneficial fruit. The watermelon is a natural canteen. It was placed in the tombs to quench the thirst of the dead during their journey in the afterlife.

Nutrition (based on 1 cup) 

0.23 grams of fat
1 gram of Fiber
1 percent of Calcium
2 Percent of Iron
2 milligrams of Sodium
4 percent B1
4 percent B^
5 percent Biotin
7 percent Copper
11 grams of carbohydrates
17 percent of vitamin A
21 percent of vitamin C
43 calories
5 milligrams of Lycopene

Watermelon is also rich in manganese, selenium, choline, betaine, phosphorus, beta-carotene, magnesium, and pantothenic acid. The watermelon is an overwhelmingly beneficial superfruit. The seed in watermelon contains flavonoids, carotenoids, saponins, phenolic acids, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Watermelon aids in the fight against aerodigestive tract cancers. Aerodigestive tract cancer is the cancer of the oral cavity including larynx, pharynx, and esophagus not excluding the lips, mouth, and tongue. 
Watermelon is an effective treatment against age-related cardiovascular diseases. A study shows that watermelon extract supplementation improved the health of the circulatory system in obese middle-aged adults with prehypertension or stage 1 hypertension; also diets rich in lycopene- found in watermelon- may help protect against heart disease. Citrulline 220-300 milligrams can provide us with cardiovascular support watermelon that can lower the risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

This fruit includes promoting healthy hair and complexion, increased energy, and overall lower weight. Watermelon is great for the skin because it contains vitamin A, a nutrient needed for sebum production, an oil that keeps hair moisturized. This vitamin is also needed for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair. Adequate intake of vitamin C is also needed for the building and maintenance of collagen, which provides structure to skin and hair.  
Watermelon can also decrease the risk of obesity and overall your mortality rate, and diabetes. 
Watermelon, because of its water and fiber content, helps to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract. 

The choline found in watermelon is a very important and versatile nutrient. It aids our bodies in sleep, the movement of the muscles, learning, and memory. Choline also helps to aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, maintain the structure of cellular membranes, reduces chronic inflammation, and assist in the absorption of fat. Watermelon/ juice has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time following exercise in athletes. 
Is watermelon a natural Viagra? Researchers at The Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center at Texas A&M University College Station believe this is likely due to the amino acid citrulline is converted into the amino acid arginine is the precursor to nitric oxide will help in blood vessel dilation, which is said to stimulate blood flow to the male reproductive organ. It may require the consumption of a large amount of watermelon to boost blood levels of arginine. Therefore, using the watermelon extract and citrulline in concentrated forms may be more conducive. In a study published in Nutrition volunteers who drank three 8 ounce glasses of watermelon juice daily for three weeks boosted their arginine levels 11%. A 2011 study followed 24 men half of the men took a placebo. Two of the men who took the placebo regained their normal erection. However the half of the men who took citrulline experienced improvement in their erections. The men who took citrulline also had more sex, averaging 1.37 per session per month to 2.3 sessions per month. None of the men experienced side effects.
In 2014 study evaluated male rats treated with watermelon flesh extract. This increase in libido proves that watermelon could be a viable natural treatment for Erectile Dysfunction.

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