Urban Men

Sibling Connection
By Constance Salas
October 15, 2019

Having a sibling promotes health and longevity. We have all had times in our life when our siblings get on our last nerve. After reading this article you may want to call your siblings and atone, set aside all the strife and grudges from over the years.
The American Journal of Psychiatry research concludes that people who maintain close relationships with their siblings have a higher quality of life satisfaction and decreased rates of depression later in life. 
The Journal of PLOS Medicine states that people without solid bonds with their siblings died 7.5 years earlier than those with strong bonds with their siblings. We should forgive our brothers and sisters if their existence promotes longevity and a better quality of life, and it's the righteous thing to do.

Are You Aware of Your Rights When You're Stopped by Police?

The ACLU has in-depth information about your rights when stopped and questioned by the police.

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Man Units

Bring Your Sexy Back

 Man Units are an effective way to cure male pattern baldness (alopecia). There is no shame in enhancing your physical appearance Bring your sexy back with a man unit. 
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